Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Donations Exceed $25,000!

Thanks to our wonderful donors, we have collected more than $25,000 toward our original goal of $30,000 for the St. Charles Head Together Community in Jacmel, Haiti. We're 86% there!

If you know of anyone who would like to donate to this cause, please ask them to mail a check to PO Box 34, Waterford, VA 20197 made payable to "Community Coalition for Haiti." CCH is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are 100% tax deductible.

This is a photo of Joe Duplan and his family. I met Joe in Jacmel, Haiti this past April. His home was severally damaged by the 7.0 earthquake that rocked Haiti this past January. When we return to Jacmel this month, I hope we will be able to provide Joe with some assistance to repair his home.

A Chance of a Lifetime!

In anticipation of our collected/purchased supplies being cleared through Haiti Customs, we are making plans for a return trip to Jacmel, Haiti. We have tentatively scheduled the trip for the week of 1/29 through 2/5. The plan is to distribute the supplies, provide school scholarships to needy children, and provide small loans for start-up businesses. If you're interested in traveling with us, please let me know. I can be reached at (540) 882-9194 or via e-mail at No special skills are required.

This is a photo of a Wesleyan church in Jacmel, Haiti. The musical instruments donated by George Mason University are going to be delivered to this Church and its Pastor, Robert Noel.