Friday, March 18, 2011

We're Back!

Our trip to Jacmel, Haiti was a great success.

After a 4-month journey, all of the donated/purchased supplies that we collected arrived in Jacmel, Haiti safe and sound. The supplies included tents, tools, clothes, shoes, musical instruments, school supplies, soccer balls, stuffed animals, and much more.

During our week in Jacmel, we were able to distribute the supplies to a tent city called Labidou and two orphanages; one called Le Petite Angels and another called Center Refuge to Save Unfavorable Kids ("CRSUK"), among other places.

In addition to the supplies, we provided 54 school scholarships and 20 microloans to needy Haitian families. We planted some seeds and hopefully they will grow.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all our donors. Your donations of supplies and money made a huge difference in the lives of many Haitian people, who desperately need our help.

Photo: This is a photo of a girl at the CRSUK orphanage. There are 21 children that live at the orphanage. They have no working toilet, cook over an outdoor fire pit, wash their clothes in a tub, and all sleep in a 15-foot diameter dome tent. Not good. This beautiful photo was taken by my friend, neighbor, and travel companion, Schuyler Richardson.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

We're Off!

We're heading back to Jacmel, Haiti this morning. Our mission this coming week is to distribute the 48 boxes and 25 buckets of supplies that we collected/purchased for the St. Charles Head Together Community in Jacmel, Haiti, which were finally released from Haiti Customs a few days ago. We are also planning on providing school scholarships to needy Haitian children and providing small loans for start-up businesses.

This is a photo of Ednord Dada (on the left), who is the Treasurer of the St. Charles Head Together Community in Jacmel, Haiti. I look forward to seeing Ednord and the members of his community again.

Friday, February 11, 2011

We Made It!

After seven months of fundraising, we finally achieve our original goal of collecting $30,000 for the St. Charles Head Community in Jacmel, Haiti. Yeah! We thank all of our generous donors.

This is a photo of what was left of the maternity ward at the Sainte Michel Hospital in Jacmel, Haiti after the 7.0 earthquake in January 2010. I'm standing on the roof of what appeared to be at least a two-story building.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Donations Exceed $25,000!

Thanks to our wonderful donors, we have collected more than $25,000 toward our original goal of $30,000 for the St. Charles Head Together Community in Jacmel, Haiti. We're 86% there!

If you know of anyone who would like to donate to this cause, please ask them to mail a check to PO Box 34, Waterford, VA 20197 made payable to "Community Coalition for Haiti." CCH is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are 100% tax deductible.

This is a photo of Joe Duplan and his family. I met Joe in Jacmel, Haiti this past April. His home was severally damaged by the 7.0 earthquake that rocked Haiti this past January. When we return to Jacmel this month, I hope we will be able to provide Joe with some assistance to repair his home.

A Chance of a Lifetime!

In anticipation of our collected/purchased supplies being cleared through Haiti Customs, we are making plans for a return trip to Jacmel, Haiti. We have tentatively scheduled the trip for the week of 1/29 through 2/5. The plan is to distribute the supplies, provide school scholarships to needy children, and provide small loans for start-up businesses. If you're interested in traveling with us, please let me know. I can be reached at (540) 882-9194 or via e-mail at No special skills are required.

This is a photo of a Wesleyan church in Jacmel, Haiti. The musical instruments donated by George Mason University are going to be delivered to this Church and its Pastor, Robert Noel.